The Oak Grove Nature Center is a fifty-two acre nature preserve operated by the Town of Manchester and the Lutz Children’s Museum, located at 269 Oak Grove Street, Manchester, CT.
Trails are open to the public from dawn until dusk. It is an ideal place to take a break from your busy day and enjoy a quiet walk in the woods.
The museum uses this building for outdoor education programs. The building itself is not open unless a specific program is scheduled. Additional information is available by contacting the Lutz Children’s Museum directly.
Visit Our Nature Center
Increase the value of your visit to Oak Grove Nature Center by booking an educational program. These forty-five minute programs, recommended for ages all ages, are held at a nearby nature preserve focus natural science, art, and history. After the program is over, groups are welcome to stay at the Nature Center for lunch and exploration, or visit the Lutz Children’s Museum at no extra charge. Book your program in advance and chaperones will be admitted free with groups of ten or more children. Programs are planned for a maximum of twenty-five students; please call if you are interested in accommodations for larger group sizes.
The program cost is $15 per attending person. The Oak Grove Nature Center operates seasonally late-April to mid-October.
Any program listed in our current Teacher Newsletter is available to be booked at the Oak Grove Nature Center.
The Distance from Lutz Children’s Museum to the Oak Grove Nature Center is 1.5 Miles.
Directions & Map